Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2

December 2

“Christmas thoughts on Jesus and St. Nick” by Steve Metternich

St. Nick comes once per year...

Jesus is always present.

St. Nick requires you to stand in line to see.....

Jesus is waiting for the mention of His name.

St. Nick invites you to sit on his lap.....

Jesus embraces you in His arms.

St. Nick doesn't know your name and asks for it....

Jesus knows us before birth, current and future.

St. Nick has a belly like jelly......

Jesus is full of love.

St. Nick doesn't want you to 'cry'......

Jesus wants you to 'cast all your cares' on Him.

St. Nick's elves make the toys....

Jesus makes our lives new.

St. Nick offers a jolly 'Ho, ho, ho'.....

Jesus offers health, help and hope.

St. Nick may give you a chuckle.....

Jesus gives you joy that is your strength.

St. Nick gets around in a sleigh.....

Jesus rides on the wind and walks on water.

St. Nick comes down your chimney when he wants.....

Jesus enters your heart when invited.

St. Nick leaves your stockings filled with goodies....

Jesus supplies all needs.

St. Nick leaves gifts under the tree.....

Jesus is our gift.

St. Nick live at the North Pole......


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him

should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. I open the door of my life to You and ask You to come in as

my Saviour. Bring peace to the world this Christmas and help me to be the kind of person You want

me to be. Amen