"A Special Meaning of Christmas," by Buddy and Pam Coard
No one really knows what day the birth of Jesus occurred, but in 336 AD the Western Church of Rome selected December 25th to celebrate this very special day. The time around Christmas has always been a very special time for my family. Seventeen years ago, Christmas became even more special with the birth of our daughter Emily on December 22. The date of our daughter’s birthday is the same day that Mary most likely started her 65 mile trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Both my wife and I remember the time of waiting for the birth of our daughter as a time of hopes, dreams, and anticipation similar to Mary and Joseph eagerly awaiting the birth of Jesus. Fourteen years ago with all of the great celebration of Christmas and the birth of our daughter we celebrated the birth of our son Fletcher born on December 27. The celebration of all three births makes the Christmas season more special as we celebrate the birth of our daughter 3 days prior to Christmas and celebrate the joyful birth of our son 2 days after Christmas. With our son, just like the birth of Jesus, there is a celebration of the future and a connection to the past because he carries forward the traditions of our family. With the birth of both of our children around the glorious day of the birth of Christ, the celebration of Christmas is very special to our family.
As the angels said to the sheppards in the field shortly after the birth of Jesus, “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will towards men”. Let us remember these words as the time of Christmas draws near. Thank you Heavenly Father for the gifts that you have provided us in your son Jesus and for all of our children. Amen.