December 12
“The Sounds of Christmas,” by Karrin Frost
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I love the lights, decorations and even the weather (the more snow the better as far as I’m concerned). And then there’s the music – the sounds of Christmas are everywhere you turn. I never realized what a powerful message music could bring until I was a sophomore in college and participated in a performance of The Messiah, an event that is held annually during the holiday season. The emotional impact of standing with 1000 other students to sing “hallelujah” was unforgettable. To this day, the music of Christmas brings special feelings to me. I can better understand the wonder and joy of the birth of Jesus through these songs. I hear it in my daughter’s voice and see it in her face, as well. The birth of Jesus was a wonderful gift. By sharing our music we can also share that gift with others in a way all can understand.
Dear God,
As we celebrate the birth of your Son Jesus Christ, let us truly listen to the music and experience the season in a new way. Let us feel the joy of Christ’s birth, the wonder of those who saw the star, and let us share the joy with those around us.
Verse: Psalms 98:4
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.