December 14
“God’s Greatest Gifts,” by Betty Porter
All of my life I have loved Christmas and everything about this wonderful holiday. As a child, born during the great depression, Christmas meant getting rare treats such as candy, nuts and oranges - and toys.
As an Adult, I loved being able to give my children (and now my grandchildren) lots of gifts at Christmas, and to help them enjoy the magic of this holiday. Certainly I taught them why we celebrate this day.
As the years have passed, and I have matured in my faith, I see Christmas and gifts in an entirely different context. First , God has given me the gift of life. More importantly He has made it possible for me to know Jesus as my personal Savior, and whose earthly birth is why we celebrate Christmas.
From Jesus, and His teachings, I have the opportunity to give more important gifts to those less fortunate.
He has given me a compassionate heart to help those living with a mental illness by way of a support group. Nami – National Alliance on Mental Illness. He has taught me to be a peace maker in times of trouble. He has given me empathy for others through lessons in life that I have learned through His love and direction. He has taught me to pray for His will, and to trust Him with the answer. He has given me the gift of good health so that I can continue to work at a job that I love.
As I look back on my life, I am amazed at how God shows His love and protection for me and my loved ones. Indeed, God’s greatest gifts to me, and each of you, is sending Jesus to us. Jesus is the true gift of Christmas.
Dearest God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to us, and for His teachings, so that we know how to live a Christian life.
In Jesus name, Amen