Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27, First Sunday of Advent

November 27, 1st Sunday of Advent

“An Angel is a Messenger” by Pamela Crane

As we enter another Advent Season I am reminded of a memorable Christmas card we received a few years ago. This particular card came from a friend who had written a Christmas poem and enclosed a small handmade angel with it. I contacted her to tell her how much I appreciated the original poem and she deflected the favorable comments by responding, "It wasn't me, they were God's words." I cherish the image of this humble servant sitting down and letting the Spirit of God flow through her in writing the poem and crafting the tiny angel ornament. With her permission I am sharing her poem.

An angel is a messenger

Sent from Heaven above.

To bring God's word to all mankind,

His messages of love.

I'm just a tiny angel

My heart is very small.

But I bring a Christmas message,

The very best news of all.

God's own son was born in a stable,

His bed a manger of hay.

He came from Heaven with a mission

On that first blessed Christmas day.

So when the world's busyness

Leaves your heart hassled and worn,

Remember the babe in the manger

On that very first Christmas morn.

He came to the world for a reason.

From his mission he would not be moved.

The reason God sent Him from Heaven

Was to show you how much you are loved.

Orthanna K. Yager,2004

When you feel overwhelmed in the next few weeks reread the last two stanzas to help keep your focus on the "Christ" in Christmas.

Prayer: Glorious God, Thank you for sending your Son, Baby Jesus, to our dark and broken world. Help us to remember that You sent Him as a gift of your love. Prepare and enable us to reflect a portion this tremendous love to others throughout this Advent Season. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.